Monday, November 21, 2011

Spotting Fakes

Now, I'm not saying I'm totally innocent to the "fake" bag market; I'm embarrassingly admitting I have purchased numerous knock-off bags when I was in high school, but I wasn't exactly rolling in the dough to be able to go out and purchase a bunch of designer bags and shoes. Whether it was from flea markets, or visits to NYC, I definitely had my fair share before I knew the value of money. But, as I got older I realized there's more enjoyment in purchasing and maintaining a real one when you know you've worked hard for it or someone liked you enough to buy you a real one. It's also not the end of the world if you don't own anything designer. I've also found that I sometimes appreciate a well-made leather bag from Zara over an expensive designer piece - it all has to do with your style and what you prefer. With that being said, I thought I would write about spotting fakes, especially since Black Friday and the holidays are coming. 

This post inspiration came from a talk with my good friend Jessica who shared with me that there has been chaos around Saks and other big vendors being caught with fake Louboutins (those irresistible pumps with the fiercely red soles!).  Turns out people were buying real ones and then returning fakes ones - pretty sneaky! If you google the dilemma, you'll come across numerous sites, blogs or forums like this, this, and this that will tell you all about the scandals and where NOT to order the infamously fake pairs. The first video below is an example from a Saks customer who ordered a pair online and received fakes ones. The video isn't the best quality but she shows you how she knows they're fake. Since I'm not lucky enough to have a budget big enough to own a closet full of Louboutins, I added another video that helps you spot fake Coach bags! I think most of the time we can tell the real ones from the fake ones, and some of the signs in the video are really obvious, but some were definitely a new one to me! Keep your eyes peeled this holiday season, and even though those cheaper, fake purchases may be really tempting - remember you'll get more bang for your buck if you take that $40-$80 and buy a classic, well-made bag that fits your budget and upholds the test of time.

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