Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Shopping Wish List

One good thing about my birthday being around Thanksgiving is that I can spend part of it shopping my heart out on Black Friday. My list of "wants" is a mile long and I have lots of ideas for my niece and nephew, so I can't wait to get going. Although, some of my items will be put on hold until Monday. It's no shock to anyone that the online shopping market has grown increasingly more popular over the years which is why the Monday following Black Friday has turned into Cyber Monday.  If you'd rather stay at home in your PJ's to do shopping then fight the crowds and lack of parking spots Friday, this is probably your best bet. Shayne and I are saving our "electronic" wish list purchases for Monday, mostly because I'd rather sleep in then camp out at Best Buy at 2 AM on Friday, and whatever pieces I don't find Friday I'll search for as well. Just googling the new shopping day will set you up with sites that list the best deals and have plenty of online coupons to go around for everyone. Check out for a list of deals! Is anyone else partaking in this new shopping day? Below are some list of items I'm keeping my eye out for - I can't list all of my presents or it would ruin the surprise for friends and family!

Wallet seen here
Image via google, TV seen here
Louboutins from here; affordable pair seen here

Tripod stand seen here on Amazon

 Stockings from Pottery Barn
 Bag seen here

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